How can I check my balance?

  • On your Personal Web Space on
  • On the free MyEdenred mobile app 
  • Via a text message (send SALDO + card number tor 3621 - €0,15 per sent & received message)
  • By calling 02/702.20.02 (national tarification applies)
  • On most receipts
  • On the payment terminal if your balance proves insufficient to pay
How do I check my balance or transactions on my Personal MyEdenred Web Space?

In order to check your balance or transactions, you first have to log in to your personal web space.

On this page you can find the balance of your Edenred Meal, Edenred Eco, Edenred Gift and / or Edenred Sport & Culture.

And you can also find information on your transactions by clicking on the Edenred product.Transaction_FAQ_EN.jpg

On the transaction page, you can find all your transaction history (loading & payments) of the last 6 months.


How do I consult my balance on the mobile app?

First download the official MyEdenred app from Edenred Belgium. You can recognise it by this icon:


Your credentials are the same as those for your MyEdenred web space. That means your login name is the email address you created your web space with. 

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