I have forgotten my password and/or my username

  1. I have forgotten my username

    Your username is the mail address with which your have created your personal web space. You can retrieve it via the "Forgot your email"-button. You only need your Edenred card number and your national registration number.

  2. I have forgotten my password 

    If you don't remember your password, simply click "Forgot password ?". 


    Then you have to complete your mail address with which you have created your personal web space and tick off the box "I am not a robot" and click on "send", if the information matches your MyEdenred account, we will send an e-mail with your password reset instructions.


  3. I have no longer access to the mail address with which I have created my personal web space

    Even if you no longer have access to the mail address with which you created your personal web space, you can still use it to log yourself in into your personal web space on www.myedenred.be. Once you are connected, you can change your mail address/username in "Manage my profile". 

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