Can I reactivate my expired cheques?

Edenred offers you the possibility of reactivating your meal, eco, and consumption vouchers that have expired within 3 months, free of charge, for an additional period of 3 months. For example, if I have €100 of meal vouchers that expired on 01/01/23, it is possible to reactivate them up to and including 31/03/23.
With regard to the Royal Decree of 22/11/22, the following vouchers can be reactivated:

  • Edenred Meal
  • Edenred Eco
  • Edenred Consumption
  • Edenred Sport & Culture

What are the steps to follow?

  1. Create your personal MyEdenred space if you have not already done so. More info here.
  2. Go to
  3. Click on the product in your wallet for which you wish to reactivate an expired voucher.
  4. Then click on the expiration transaction to access its details.

  5. Then, click on the button "Reactivate my tickets". The button will be displayed within 7 days after expiration of the voucher.

  6. A pop-up will confirm that your request is being processed, and that your voucher will be available for use again within 48 hours. It will then be automatically added to your balance. You will be notified by Edenred on your MyEdenred account e-mail address/login.

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