Did you receive an e-mail that we are creating an Edenred card, but is the address we mention not correct? Then you should contact your employer as soon as possible, so she / he can change the address via the Customer MyEdenred Web Space.
In a few days, you will receive another e-mail from us that we have sent your Edenred card. If this address is still incorrect, then apply the following steps:
- Your card will probably be resent to Edenred. If that is the case, you will receive an e-mail that explains how you can ask for a new delivery.
- If you still did not receive your card after 20 days, nor an email regarding the return of your card to Edenred, there are 2 available options:
- Log into your personal space on www.MyEdenred.be click on the tab "Manage my card"
Click on the button "Resend a new Card"
Then close the process by completing the form with the new delivery adress. The card will then be produced and delivered once the card's order payment is validated by your employer.
- Ask your employer to order you a new card through the MyEdenred portal. For more information your employer can read this article.
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