My Edenred Consumption was used when I wanted to pay for my purchase with another type of voucher.

To facilitate the use of Edenred Consumption, Edenred has developed an automated solution to enable all retailers to accept Edenred Consumption on their premises.

If a payment terminal does not offer you the option to choose the voucher you wish to use, the terminal deducts the amount from the eligible vouchers that are due to expire first. The latter will automatically be used to pay for your purchase. This allow us to reduce the risk that your vouchers expire and you don't have to worry about your vouchers having different expiry dates.


You have a balance in Edenred Consumption valid until 31 December 2024 and you also have an amount in Edenred Eco vouchers valid until 31 January 2025 on your Edenred card.

When you pay for your purchase, the retailer’s payment terminal does not allow you to choose the voucher your want to use. As your Edenred Consumption is valid for a shorter time than your eco-vouchers, your purchase will be automatically settled with your Edenred Consumption.

Useful information

The cost of living bonus in the form Edenred Consumption allows you to purchase food products and/or eco-friendly products:

  • Food purchases – like with Edenred Meal

Sustainable purchases – like with Edenred Eco

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